
Rotation 3 - Baldwin Energy Complex - Dynegy Midwest Generation  (Located just outside of St. Louis, MO)

SOMS System (Lockout / Tagout) 

           Baldwin Energy Complex is Dynegy's largest coal-fired plant at 1800 MW rated gross megawatt output.  The plant consists of two once-through Combustion Engineering (CE) boiler units at 590 MW each and one 620 MW unit.  My role at the plant was to manage the implementation of a new computer-based lockout / tagout system designed by SOMS.  This involved sorting 10,000 equipment ID's from the old system to ensure compatibility with the new system and with Dynegy's current financial management system, MAXIMO.  Additionally, my responsibilites were to develop a training program for the plant's shift workers to use this new system and to ensure a smooth transition.

Cycle Alignment (Energy Audit)

         Since Baldwin is in the DMG system where I developed the Cycle Alignment survey during my first rotation, I was naturally assigned the task of performing this procedure at Baldwin and refining the plant's valve lists that identify areas of potential energy loss.

         In late October, Dynegy's management made the decision to exit the energy trading business and make substantial workforce reductions.  As part of this reduction, the PACE program was eliminated and all of the associates in the program were immediately laid-off.  Thus, I was forced to leave the company.